The Circus Comes to Town-1905

Image result for Ringling Brothers parade 1905        Image result for Ringling Brothers sideshow 1905

(Left image: Ringling Bros. circus parade, 1905, Baltimore.  Right image: Ringling Bros. clowns, 1905)

During the Golden Age of the American circus (1872-1907), the Ringling Brothers traveling circus entertained cities and towns across the country.  In Kingston, the buzz of the circus coming to town brought throngs of people to see the circus parade and side shows.  The Daily Freeman reports on May 26, 1905 that “On Wall Street from 9 o’clock until after the parade had passed, the only place where one could walk was in the street, for the sidewalks were filled like a sardine box.”

In 1905, from April through November, the Ringling Brothers circus traveled from Baraboo, Wisconsin across country, stopping at 178 towns  from April through November. On May 26th, the residents of Kingston witnessed first-hand  what would soon become known as “The Greatest Show on Earth.”

According to the Kingston Daily Freeman (May 26, 1905), “Around the circus grounds since long before daybreak, there have been big crowds.  The circus arrived in town at 4 o’clock and hundreds of men and boys were on hand to see just how a big circus – a city in itself – manages to unpack all its possessions and get entirely settled within the few hours that are allotted to the men before the performance begins.  From 4 o’clock on til late this afternoon the crowd was everywhere, but in the midst of it all the employees worked with perfect unison and harmony, and with an ease that would do credit to a regiment of soldiery.  There was never an accident and rapidly and surely the circus raised itself from the ground into a complete city, sheltering hundreds of human beings, besides an immense menagerie – a city that lasts less than a day and will tomorrow will be raised elsewhere, leaving in the place where it has been a crowd of delighted and thoroughly satisfied sight-seers. ”

By 1956, the circus parade and sideshow was losing its charm.  LIFE magazine wrote that “a magical era had passed forever.”  Before long, though, the magic would continue.  That year, by switching from tents to arenas, Ringling Brothers ushered in a new era of entertainment.  “The Greatest Show in Earth” grew larger and, to this day, continues to thrill audiences world-wide.